Should Nurse Nina Pham Sue?

BON/BRN Letter of Explanation for DUI or Conviction
So your application to the BON/BRN for initial licensure was denied due to a DUI or other offense. You now need to write a letter of explanation regarding your offense or DUI to the BON/BRN.

BON/BRN Letter of Explanation for DUI or Conviction
BRN Letter of Explanation for DUI or Conviction

This letter is extremely important, and must be very well written. Through your written words, they will assess your level of remorse and personal responsibility, and determine your future.

Include the following in your letter
Detailed description of the circumstances
State what happened factually and chronologically. Don’t offer excuses or cast blame, but include underlying circumstances.

It can be very helpful to describe the conditions in your life at the time that affected your decisions. Most bad choices don’t come out of nowhere, and people understand that.

Your insight into your own behavior here is key. Tell them what you’ve learned about yourself, and how your values have changed.

Thorough description of the rehabilitative changes in your lifestyle
The BRN wants to see that you have taken responsibility, and put systems in place to ensure that there is not a reoccurrence of the problem.

List everything you’ve done to prevent future occurrences. This can include attending a recovery program, community work, therapy. Include compliance with terms of probation, restitution, or parole.

You may live in a different area with positive influences now, or maybe you’ve joined support groups. Show that you are not the same person who committed the offense.

Show remorse
You are genuinely sorry for what you did. You now know you could have harmed yourself, or someone else.

You can’t change the past, but you can control your future behavior. You have grown from this and regret the choices you made in the past.

You are remorseful.

Consider getting letter-writing help
It’s best to get help from someone to write this, unless you are very confident in your writing skills.

BON/BRN Letter of Explanation for DUI or Conviction
The complete and ultimate guide to land your nursing job!

Some applicants find it helpful to retain a lawyer during the process, to ensure that the licensing process goes smoothly. This can be expensive, and not all attorneys accept payments over time. Start saving for legal expenses in advance if you anticipate a problem, and be patient.

Letters of Reference
Letters of reference should be on official letterhead from employers, nursing instructors, health professionals, professional counselors, parole or probation officers, or other individuals in positions of authority who are knowledgeable about your rehabilitation efforts.

They must be signed and dated within the past year.

What to expect
You may face probation, a conditional license with probation terms, a fine, or citation. If your DUI was a fairly low BAC, you may only face a letter of reprimand or a citation and fine.

Do not ignore mail from the BON/BRN or Attorney General’s office. Make sure your current address is on file at all times.

Your failure to respond to the Statement of Issues will result in the denial of your license application by a default process.

The BON/BRN decides on these cases individually, and the decision may take some time. A criminal history does not mean that you cannot become a nurse, but it may mean extra work and extra expenses.

Related Post:

When a Nursing Student Has a Prior DUI

Best of luck,

Nurse Beth

Posted by Beth Hawkes in SERIOUS Nurse Problems // 1 Comment

Should Nurse Nina Pham Sue?
Should Nurse Nina Pham Sue?
BON/BRN Letter of Explanation for DUI or Conviction
So your application to the BON/BRN for initial licensure was denied due to a DUI or other offense. You now need to write a letter of explanation regarding your offense or DUI to the BON/BRN.

BON/BRN Letter of Explanation for DUI or Conviction
BRN Letter of Explanation for DUI or Conviction

This letter is extremely important, and must be very well written. Through your written words, they will assess your level of remorse and personal responsibility, and determine your future.

Include the following in your letter
Detailed description of the circumstances
State what happened factually and chronologically. Don’t offer excuses or cast blame, but include underlying circumstances.

It can be very helpful to describe the conditions in your life at the time that affected your decisions. Most bad choices don’t come out of nowhere, and people understand that.

Your insight into your own behavior here is key. Tell them what you’ve learned about yourself, and how your values have changed.

Thorough description of the rehabilitative changes in your lifestyle
The BRN wants to see that you have taken responsibility, and put systems in place to ensure that there is not a reoccurrence of the problem.

List everything you’ve done to prevent future occurrences. This can include attending a recovery program, community work, therapy. Include compliance with terms of probation, restitution, or parole.

You may live in a different area with positive influences now, or maybe you’ve joined support groups. Show that you are not the same person who committed the offense.

Show remorse
You are genuinely sorry for what you did. You now know you could have harmed yourself, or someone else.

You can’t change the past, but you can control your future behavior. You have grown from this and regret the choices you made in the past.

You are remorseful.

Consider getting letter-writing help
It’s best to get help from someone to write this, unless you are very confident in your writing skills.

BON/BRN Letter of Explanation for DUI or Conviction
The complete and ultimate guide to land your nursing job!

Some applicants find it helpful to retain a lawyer during the process, to ensure that the licensing process goes smoothly. This can be expensive, and not all attorneys accept payments over time. Start saving for legal expenses in advance if you anticipate a problem, and be patient.

Letters of Reference
Letters of reference should be on official letterhead from employers, nursing instructors, health professionals, professional counselors, parole or probation officers, or other individuals in positions of authority who are knowledgeable about your rehabilitation efforts.

They must be signed and dated within the past year.

What to expect
You may face probation, a conditional license with probation terms, a fine, or citation. If your DUI was a fairly low BAC, you may only face a letter of reprimand or a citation and fine.

Do not ignore mail from the BON/BRN or Attorney General’s office. Make sure your current address is on file at all times.

Your failure to respond to the Statement of Issues will result in the denial of your license application by a default process.

The BON/BRN decides on these cases individually, and the decision may take some time. A criminal history does not mean that you cannot become a nurse, but it may mean extra work and extra expenses.

Related Post:

When a Nursing Student Has a Prior DUI

Best of luck,

Nurse Beth

This does not constitute legal advice. Contact your BRN for more information.

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